Media featuring Agendashift™

See also: books (one available as an audiobook), the blog, more resources, and for a brief overview: About Agendashift™. Don’t see a favourite recording or article here? Let us know!

18 February 2025, video, meetup:
Meet Mike Burrows on strategy
10 October 2024, video, webinar:
From classic Lean-Agile to Outcome-Oriented Enterprise Agility: The 10-year Journey
Businessmap (formerly Kanbanize)
23 June 2024, audio, podcast:
Organizing Conversations with Mike Burrows
Agile Uprising Podcast with Jay Hrcsko,
28 May 2024, video:
Mike Burrows – Organizing Conversations: Preparing Groups to Take On Adaptive Challenges
Book launch interview with Gervase Bushe of the BMI Institute
18 April 2024, video, meetup:
Between Spaces, Scopes, and Scales: What the scaling frameworks don't tell you
Kanban New Zealand, Sydney, and Melbourne meetup groups
04 April 2024, video, webinar:
Karl Scotland: Agendashift, an outcome-oriented engagement model
Agendashift Academy's webinar series: The questions that drive us
07 March 2024, video, webinar:
Obstacles Fast and Slow
Agendashift Academy's webinar series: The questions that drive us
26 February 2024, video:
The Featureban Flow Experience
31 January 2024, audio, podcast:
Episode 14. Strategizing Clean – Mike Burrows on Integrating Clean Language
Clean at Work podcast
13 November 2023, audio, podcast:
Exploring Kanban from Right to Left: A Thoughtful Conversation with Mike Burrows
Interviewed for Kanban Lab by Orod Semsarzadeh and Soma Mazumder
09 November 2023, video, webinar:
Between spaces, scopes, and scales: What the scaling frameworks don’t tell you
Blackmetric's BA community webinar series
15 May 2023, video, webinar:
With special guest Klaus Leopold: Between and across scales
Agendashift Academy's webinar series: The questions that drive us
11 May 2023, video:
Right to Left: Implementing Agile Strategies That Deliver Real Business Outcomes
PMI Central Arkansas Chapter
09 May 2023, video:
Between spaces, scopes, and scales: What the scaling frameworks don't tell you
BVSSH meetup
21 April 2023, video:
Closing thoughts from Adaptive Organisation: Business agility at every scale
Leading with Outcomes / Agendashift Academy
05 April 2023, audio, podcast:
Ep. 83: Agendashift
Definitely, Maybe Agile – Peter Maddison and Dave Sharrock
09 March 2023, video, meetup:
Between spaces, scopes, and scales: What the scaling frameworks don't tell you
Systemic Agility meetup
08 March 2023, video, webinar:
March webinar: Stephen Dowling and Deepak Ganga on unlearning, interviewed by Mike Burrows
Agendashift Academy's webinar series: The questions that drive us
14 December 2022, video, podcast:
Leading the change: Strategies to achieve enterprise agility
Mike Burrows interviewed by Jeff Keyes of Atlassian
07 November 2022, video, conference talk:
In times of change, what scales better than process?
09 September 2022, video, podcast:
Agendashift Surveys
Steven Mackenzie interviewed by Dan Gibson for Add Agility
09 September 2022, video, interview:
Agree on outcomes before solutions: How to connect agile delivery with organisational strategy
Interviewed by Tony Ponton for remote:af
25 July 2022, audio, podcast:
Mike Burrows - The Importance Of Focusing On Outcomes
Interviewed by Scott Fulton for Rebel Diaries
25 July 2022, video, podcast:
Special Guest: Mike Burrows
Interviewed by Ennis Lynch for Agile Review
14 July 2022, video, podcast:
Mike Burrows: Agendashift, Outcomes, Strategy, Leadership
Interviewed by Miljan Bajić for Agile to agility
20 May 2022, video & slides, conference talk:
Strategies that scale better than process
Lean Agile London 2022
30 April 2022, audio, podcast:
Kanban, Leadership, Games and more with Mike Burrows
Elevate Change podcast
05 April 2022, video, interview:
Video: Leading with Outcomes. Breaking free from the Solution-driven Paradigm!
Agile Leadership Spotlight – Mike Burrows interviewed by Mike Leber
09 November 2021, video, meetup:
Video: Leading and Transforming with Outcomes
Agile Hartford
09 November 2021, video, webinar:
The Agendashift Delivery Assessment – starting conversations in business agility
Smidig meetup (Norway)
30 August 2021, video, meetup:
Leading and Transforming with Outcomes
Kanban New Zealand - the Limited-WiP-Society
30 August 2021, video, webinar:
Up and Down the Deliberately Adaptive Organisation
#bacommunity webinar series, Blackmetric Business Solutions
30 August 2021, audio, podcast:
Agendashift with Mike Burrows
Agile Uprising Podcast with Claudia Orozco-Gomez & Jay Hrcsko,
15 July 2021, audio, podcast:
Calling all stakeholders to deliver an experience your users would actually love – the agile advantage (2 of 2)
Mobile Interactions Now (Mike Burrows interviewed by Jean Shin,
08 July 2021, audio, podcast:
Od czego zacząć transformację Agile?
Kanban przy kawie (Mike burrows interviewed by Radosław Orszewski, episode in English from 05:40 seconds onwards,
07 July 2021, webinar:
Leading and Transforming with Outcomes
Expert Agile Club (,
03 July 2021, audio, podcast:
Starting with user needs and optimizing for learning – how Agile is transforming (1 of 2)
Mobile Interactions Now (Mike Burrows interviewed by Jean Shin,
29 June 2021, audio, podcast:
Agendashift: The Art of Collaboration with Mike Burrows
Daily of the Month podcast (Joshua & Andreas Wittler, episode in English from 40 seconds onwards,
01 June 2021, audio, podcast:
Mike Burrows on the 2nd Edition of Agendashift
Xagility™ (John Coleman,
05 May 2021, audio, podcast:
Discussing Agendashift with Mike Burrows
Xagility™ (John Coleman,
08 April 2021, video:
Welcome to the Agendashift 2021 conference
Agendashift Academy (
06 April 2021, audio, podcast:
How to link strategy to delivery with Mike Burrows
Managing Remote Teams (
04 March 2021, audio, podcast:
Jon Collins Speaks with Mike Burrows about DevOps, Agility and VSM
Voices in Innovation (
11 December 2020, audio, podcast:
A conversation with Mike Burrows and Agility by Nature (Ian Gill)
AgilityByNature (
02 November 2020, video, meetup recording:
Cleanish Strategy
Agile Leaders and Managers (second of two sessions, the first in September)
01 November 2020, audio, podcast:
Should I Take This? - Agendashift: Leading With Outcomes
Agile Uprising Podcast with Mike Caddell & Jay Hrcsko,
20 October 2020, video, webinar recording:
Good Obstacle, Bad Obstacle
16 October 2020, article:
Outside-in and Right-to-Left: 2 Perspectives on Strategy Deployment
Cutter Consortium,
11 October 2020, audio, podcast:
Right to Left with Mike Burrows
Agile Uprising Podcast with Jay Hrcsko,
08 September 2020, video, meetup recording:
Right to Left
Agile Leaders and Managers (first of two sessions, the second in November)
15 June 2020, video, webinar recording:
Outcomes all the way down
event hosted by SquirrelNorth,
20 September 2019, video, conference talk:
Right to Left
Agile Summit Greece 2019,
19 August 2019, article:
Q&A on the Book Right to Left: The Digital Leader's Guide to Lean and Agile
InfoQ with Ben Linders,
18 August 2019, audio, podcast:
Episode 12: The right terminologies for Agile with Mike Burrows
Agile Atelier podcast with Rahul Bhattacharya,
14 August 2019, audio, podcast:
“Mike Burrows:Right to Left
Agile on the Edge podcast with Mo Hagar,
08 August 2019, audio, podcast:
“Right to Left” by Mike Burrows
A Geek Leader podcast with John Rouda,
15 June 2019, audio, podcast:
“Right to Left” by Mike Burrows
Agile Book Club with Paul Klipp and Justyna Pindel,
03 May 2019, audio, podcast:
All in on outcomes with Mike Burrows
Joekub podcast with Joe Auslander and Jakub Jurkiewicz,

More to follow.

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About us

Agendashift™ is brought to you by Agendashift Ltd (formerly Positive Incline Ltd), UK-based specialists in leadership, engagement, strategy, and change. Founder Mike Burrows came to prominence in the Lean-Agile community as the originator of Kanban’s values model, out of which came his first book, Kanban from the Inside (2014). His more recent books Agendashift (2nd edition 2021) and Right to Left (2019) bring a resolutely needs-based and outcome-oriented perspective to change, transformation, and the Lean-Agile landscape as a whole, contributing meanwhile a number of popular tools, games, and other resources. He works as a consultant, facilitator, and trainer, and as a keynote speaker at events public and private around the world.

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