Agendashift™ Assessments: inclusive • non-prescriptive • framework-agnostic

Free 14-day trial

For free, create your own Agendashift surveys for use with individuals or small groups. You'll have access to a range of 12 to 18-prompt "mini edition" assessment template, most of which are available in multuple languages.

Some limitations apply:

  • You won't have access to the longer, more 3 assessment templates
  • Your surveys will be limited to a maximum of 10 participants each
  • Your surveys will be filed under a single 'Free trial' context that you won't be able to rename
  • Your trial ends after 14 days

Further information:

  • Go to Upgrade (linked always in the Account menu above) for ways to remove the above limitations
  • Visit Agendashift Assessments to see the range of templates and public surveys available
  • Our Help pages have tips on creating and distributing surveys, monitoring survey participation, debriefing surveys, and follow-on activities

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More: Upgrade your account | Agendashift Assessments | Help


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About us

Agendashift™ is brought to you by Agendashift Ltd (formerly Positive Incline Ltd), UK-based specialists in leadership, engagement, strategy, and change. Founder Mike Burrows came to prominence in the Lean-Agile community as the originator of Kanban’s values model, out of which came his first book, Kanban from the Inside (2014). His more recent books Agendashift (2nd edition 2021) and Right to Left (2019) bring a resolutely needs-based and outcome-oriented perspective to change, transformation, and the Lean-Agile landscape as a whole, contributing meanwhile a number of popular tools, games, and other resources. He works as a consultant, facilitator, and trainer, and as a keynote speaker at events public and private around the world.

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